Sponsorship Packages
Presenting Sponsor $50,000+
Speaks Chapels
One Super VIP Table to accommodate ten guests
Premiere Seating
Heads and Tails Game Beads for Ten
Ten Toss & Toast Challenge Tickets
Ten Souvenir Mardi Gras Glasses with signature drink ticket
King Cake
Ten invitations to and special recognition at the private sponsors' reception prior
to the event.Signature named cocktail to be served to VIP tables and available for purchase
at cash bar.Permanent and prominent named recognition in the Music/Arts Institute building
foyer.Named sponsor for annual recital for the next five years, e.g. Spring Fling,
Presented by Speaks Chapel.Name/logo on MAI website and on social media.
Complimentary private progressive cocktail reception for up to 50 people in the
Music/Arts Institute for family, friends or business.Name/logo prominently displayed with full page in gala program in addition to
being displayed in the evening on-screen presentation.
Archduke Sponsor: $25,000+
One Super VIP Table to accommodate ten guests
Premiere Seating
Heads and Tails Game Beads for Ten
Ten Toss & Toast Challenge Tickets
Ten Souvenir Mardi Gras Glasses with signature drink ticket
King Cake
Ten invitations to and special recognition at the private sponsors' reception prior to the event.
Permanent and prominent named recognition in the Music/Arts Institute
building foyer.Naming rights for the private sponsors reception.
Name/logo on MAI website and on social media.
Name/logo prominently displayed in gala program in addition to being displayed in the evening on-screen presentation.
Royal Court Sponsor: $10,000+
One Super VIP Table to accommodate ten guests
Prime Seating
Heads and Tails Game Beads for Five
Five Toss & Toast Challenge Tickets
Ten Souvenir Mardi Gras Glasses with signature drink ticket
King Cake
Five invitations to and special recognition at the private sponsors' reception prior to the event.
Permanent and prominent named recognition in the Music/Arts Institute
building foyer.Increased brand exposure through naming rights for portions of gala (e.g.
Buffet Table, Silent Auction, etc. Awarded first come, first served.)Name/logo on MAI website and on social media.
Name/logo prominently displayed in gala program in addition to being displayed in the evening on-screen presentation.
Flambeaux Sponsor: $5,000+
One VIP Table to accommodate ten guests
Prime Seating
Heads and Tails Game Beads for Five
FiveToss & Toast Challenge Tickets
Ten Souvenir Souvenir Mardi Gras Glasses
King Cake
Five invitations to and special recognition at the private sponsors'
reception prior to the event.Name/logo on MAI website and on social media.
Name/logo prominently displayed in gala program in addition to being
displayed in the evening on-screen presentation.
Doubloon Sponsor: $3,000+
One VIP Table to accommodate ten guests
Prime Seating
Heads and Tails Game Beads for Five
Ten Souvenir Mardi Gras Glasses
King Cake
Two invitations to and special recognition at the private sponsors' reception prior to the event.
Name/logo on MAI website and on social media.
Name/logo prominently displayed in gala program in addition to being
displayed in the evening on-screen presentation.
Krewe Sponsor: $2,000+
One table to accommodate ten guests
Name displayed in gala program
Lundi Gras Sponsor: $2,500+
Name displayed in gala program
Name/logo on MAI website and on social media.
For more information, please contact:
Celeste Maddocks
Luke Davis